Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day Three

Today was Shoulder & Arms. Every three exercises make up a cycle. You do each cycle twice, resting for 45 seconds before the next set of three. (Note: all exercises with weights are done with dumbells, so the weight listed is the weight in each hand) Here's how I did:
Alternating Shoulder Press: 10@20lb both rounds
In & Out Curls: 16@20lb both rounds
Tricep Kick-backs: 12@20lb first round, 10@20lb second round
Deep Swimmer Press: 10@15lb both rounds
Full Supination Curls: 10@20lb both rounds
Chair Dips: 25 reps both rounds
Upright rows: 10@20lb first round, 10@25lb second round
Static Arm Curls: 16@15lb first round, 16@20lb second round
Flip-Grip Triceps: 10@15lb first round, 12@10lb second round
2-angle Shoulder Fly: 16@10lb both rounds
Crouching Curls: 10@15lb both rounds
Lying Down Tricep: 10@20lb first round, 9@20lb second round
Straight Shoulder Fly (in & out): 16@10lb both rounds
Congdon Curls: 10@20lb both rounds
Side Tri-rises: 15 (left & right side) both rounds

Then I did that stupid Ab routine, which sucks (meaning it's hard and it hurts, which actually means it's good). I do the 11 exercises @15 reps each (except the last is 40). My goal is to hit all of them @25 reps.

Still sore from Monday and now legs are sore from yesterday! Whoo-hoo, this is fun!

1 comment:

5KidMom said...

You're making me tired just reading this stuff. 8^) Keep it up!!!