Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This is just for fun VOTING LINK and pics are to the right and in the posting PRIOR to this one

So in January of 2006 I started working out again, and was pretty off and on for that entire year, so thankfully Chad had this great idea to do this competition and to do it online where humiliation would be our motivation. Whatever the results of this ends up being it definitely served its purpose in keeping both of us in check and working out often. Just for kicks I've posted the pics I took way back in January 2006 and compared them to now. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE VOTING! Please just vote off of the before and after pics on the link in the posting below, but I was looking at these and am pretty proud of how far I've come in the last 1.5 years.

Thanks again for everyone's support.

Voting time everyone

Hey there, here is the link to the new site Read the newest posting, check out the photos and make your vote on the right side of the page. THANKS!