Monday, February 19, 2007

End of Week 7

Another week down. It was a lot like last week with my ankle still recovering, but on Friday I was able to do more than half the Legs part of my Legs & Back routine, so that was good. This week I should be able to do a normal week of workouts with just an exercise here or there that I still can't quite do. My ankle/foot is still purple in some spots, but it doesn't hurt nearly as bad and I'm walking without any aide, cast or brace just fine. I probably am still a couple weeks from being able to play on it again or do the full cardio workouts without any problems. But I still exercised each day this past week and did my Chest, Shoulders, Tris workout today. I'm still improving on each of the exercises, so I'm excited about that. I still haven't gotten the whole eating really healthy thing down perfectly yet, lol. I think if I could get myself disciplined in that area I would see real results in the abs area (and those lovely love handles :-). Anyway . . . this week, then my "rest week" again and after that the 60-day pics! Hope all is well with everyone!


Stephen Shelton said...

You'll have to plan ahead for your routine when you come visit us next month. We'll go eat healthy somewhere.

Just a tracking site said...

Sounds good. I think that time there falls on a rest week, so I wouldn't have to lug a bunch of weights with me. We'll see.